92037024As taboo, stigma-filled or embarrassing as it may seem, talking with your doctor about sex is an important part of your health. It’s normal to have these feelings of embarrassment or to be hesitant, but you’re not alone!  Sexual health issues aren’t as uncommon as you think. In fact, forty-three percent of women struggle with a significant sexual problem.

The women I see have various questions and concerns about their sex lives. While it may vary, I routinely see questions and concerns on sex drive, arousal problems, delayed or absent orgasm and pain during intercourse. These are not the only common ones as well. That question you might think is mortifying is most likely one I hear every day.

Even with these encouragements and justifications, women still feel uncomfortable or nervous talking about their sex life and that’s okay! If you’re still having these feelings, follow these tips to help make our discussion easier and more productive during your next visit.

Write down questions and concerns ahead of time

Preparation for your visit is essential. In order to make sure you get all of your concerns heard and your questions answered, write down all questions, symptoms and as many details as you can. These details can be anything from how you’re feeling, whether your period is regular or not, any medications your taking, and what is happening in your life if experiencing problems in the bedroom. The more prepared you are, the more comfortable and confident you will be.

You’re not alone

Like I stated above, sexual issues are common! Almost all couples experience a sexual issue at one point or another in their relationship. Women all over the world experience the same sexual problems and have the same questions and concerns that you have.

Start simply

When you’re ready to start discussing with your doctor, take a deep breath and start simple. Something like, “I have a few concerns about my sex life” can get the ball rolling right away and open up doors to more specific questions or topics. Once you start talking, it will be a relief to get everything off your chest!

I know it’s hard to talk to anyone about sex, but these three tips can make it a little easier to get the conversation started. Once we start the conversation, we can figure out what’s happening together, and come up with the right treatment plan for you.

Remember, when sex is good, it adds 15-20 percent additional value to a relationship. But, when sex is bad or non-existent, it plays an inordinately powerful role draining the relationship of all positive value, about 50-70 percent!


Interested in women’s sexual health? Contact us for an appointment.


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