92041723Woman who take fertility drugs like clomiphene (i.e. Clomid, Serophene) and follitropins or gonadotropins (i.e. Follistim, Bravelle, Gonal-F) in hopes of becoming pregnant will be relieved to learn they can cross one worry off their list: A recent study found these fertility drugs do not increase a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer.

Researchers evaluated medical charts and history of more than 9,800 women who took Clomid or gonadotropins between 1965 and 1988. They found that 749 women were diagnosed with breast cancer by 2010, which was not a significant difference from those not taking the drugs.

Fertility drugs, like clomiphene, follitropins,or gonadotropins, are a critical part of all fertility treatments to help stimulate egg production and ovulation. Depending on infertility factors, medical history and previous responses to fertility medicines, I prescribe Clomid or move onto a combination of follitropins and gonadotropins, like, Follistim or Bravelle, to the women I see for infertility.

I’m constantly assuring patients that there isn’t, and has never been, a correlation between breast cancer and fertility drugs and treatment. The main side effects of fertility medicines are generally mild and include symptoms such as mood swings, bloating, fatigue, dizziness and others.

Bottom line: Be sure to discuss all your questions and concerns with your fertility doctor before, during and after fertility treatment cycles. I can help walk you throw your options, and answer any infertility questions you may have.


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