Sexual Health at Menopause

Dr. James Simon discusses the importance of sexual health at menopause and encourages clinicians to open up the conversation with patients. He reviews treatment options and resources. (

An OBGYN’s Take on Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘DTF’ Libido Supplements

Pills sitting on pink counter surrounded by caution tape.

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow, founder of the wellness and lifestyle brand goop®, recently launched a new “sexual health supplement” marketed under the name DTF. According to advertisements, this product is intended to “support women’s sexual desire, arousal, and mood.” We believe this claim to be an example of a misleading campaign marketed to consumers that is unsupported by scientific evidence. 

Nuts for Sex

hazelnuts and walnuts

I’m frequently asked whether there’s anything to change in one’s diet to improve sexual function. While there’s absolutely nothing dietary that can treat a severe erectile dysfunction (ED) or significant arousal disorder in women, there… Read More »

Lynch Syndrome

Catching Cancer in Patients with Lynch Syndrome Does your patient have cancer in their family history? If they have Lynch Syndrome, a simple screening can catch cancer before it’s too late. It’s easy to merely… Read More »

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