Women’s Sexual Health- Is There A Remedy For Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)?

woman-506120_640Women’s sexual health took a step forward last month when an advisory panel to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended approval of the drug, flibanserin, for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women. The approval came with some reservations regarding safety (use with certain medications and alcohol). And it’s worthwhile to note that the FDA had on hand its own Drug Safety and Risk Management Committee during deliberations. However, assuming the agency follows the recommendations of the Bone, Reproductive, and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee, women will soon have available the first agent for sexual dysfunction—aside from a medication for intercourse-associated pain—developed specifically for them.

The wait may be over.

(Excerpted from an editorial by Dr. James Simon published in OBG Management, July 2015) Women’s sexual health


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