If you’re in the New York City area on April 7-9, 2017 join me and colleagues at the The Westin NY at Times Square for our annual Survival Skills for Today’s Gynecologist program. It’s a great time to catch up with friends and hear discussions about the latest in gynecologic patient care. Each day starts with breakfast and includes time for Q&A to deepen the knowledge-share among us.

Along with Steven R. Goldstein, MD who serves with me as Program Co-Director, we have a terrific faculty who will present on leading-edge therapies and topical issues. You might be interested in the most recent recommendations about cervical cancer screening or are wanting more information about HPV education, VVA treatment, hysterectomy procedures, urogynecology, and much more.

On Friday, I will discuss the following topics:

  • Menopausal Hormone Therapy: Primary Prevention of Disease or Not?
  • Office Management of Female Sexual Dysfunction: You CAN do this.
  • Flashes, Flushes, and Night Sweats: New and Non-Hormonal Approaches

My topic for Saturday is Pelvic Floor Biofeedback/Physical Therapy: Should I Offer This in My Office?

The treatment of our patient population is ever-changing, as new treatments and options become available. The business of medicine is changing too. Don’t miss this great CME opportunity, learn some Survival Skills, and thrive in the years to come.

View the entire course or to Register at www.WorldClassCME.com or by phone at (888) 207-9105, M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm EST

Hope to see you there!


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