Ok, I am sure you know someone who has or has had sex on Thanksgiving. Maybe it was you. But, if the Masturbation Diet® hypothesis is correct (see the other blog posts in this series if you have no idea what I am talking about), then one should have very little sexual interest after filling up on turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. If The Masturbation Diet® is correct, then “more food consumption, leads to less sexual consumption.” In other words: if your hunger is filled up with food, your residual hunger for sex will be lower, and it will be less likely that sexual activity will actually occur.
I also suspect that few people have sex on Halloween or Labor Day either. Halloween is largely a children’s holiday where hordes of children dressed up as Wonder Women or maybe a hand-me-down Little Mermaid or Spiderman extort candy from adults in the neighborhood. The Moms and Dads who accompany the smallest of kids are too exhausted from trailing after their children to have the interest or energy to engage in sexual relations or once they get their own kids down from their sugar highs to go to bed, it’s just too late to have sex. And further, the possibility of inadvertently creating another infant-Little Mermaid or toddler-Spiderman may be disincentive enough. Those with older or grown children who are at home, getting up from their easy chairs or their desks 50 or more times to hand out the sugar-laden delicacies are simply pooped. As for Labor Day, many women remember the labor day they went through to push out their last child or the pain of that C-section following a long labor, disincentives enough… Yikes, better avoid sex on Labor Day.
So my advice…eat less, and exercise more (The Horizontal Mambo with orgasm burns about 150 calories). But if your appetite for sex is low or absent, and not just on Thanksgiving when you are full up with turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, come see us at IntimMedicine® Specialists (202-293-1000). We can treat your low libido and help reignite your intimacy flame.