Back in April 2020, an article in the Journal of Women’s Health prompted me to think about the differences between men and women’s life and death responses to COVID-19. That article illustrated what we’ve heard in the news over, and over, and over again. Namely, that men tend to fare much worse than women if hospitalized with coronavirus (sars-cov-2) related diseases. Since then, we have come to know that, in this context, men are clearly the weaker sex. But even more data has emerged around the why, demonstrating that reproductive hormones are, in fact, an important part of women’s resistance to severe COVID-19 disease and can possibly even prevent death.

For most postmenopausal women, whether currently using menopausal hormone therapy or not, hormone therapy in early menopause (i.e., started in the first 10 years since their last menstrual period) is of significant benefit. Menopause specialists strive to determine the risk-benefit ratio for any woman before starting hormone therapy. It’s now clear that early menopausal women without absolute contraindications should seriously consider utilizing hormone therapy for disease prevention (i.e., heart attack and osteoporosis) and now to help prevent severe COVID-19 infections and even death.

Prevention of severe cases of COVID-19 may not be a good enough single reason to start hormone therapy, particularly as vaccinations are becoming more readily available. However, recent evidence documents that in women who start on hormone therapy for its basic, well-established benefits (treatment of hot flashes and night sweats, vaginal dryness and pain with sexual activity, prevention of osteoporosis etc. etc. etc.), may also benefit from the protection it provides against COVID-19 disease.

So, if you or someone you know wants a consultation to evaluate the benefit/risk ratio of postmenopausal hormone therapy, factoring in the potential benefits against severe COVID-19 infections, make an appointment to talk with us about all the options. All staff at IntimMedicine Specialists are fully vaccinated and we maintain careful CDC precautions, though we are also available for virtual visits. Menopausal hormone therapy may not only be good for you, it may save your life!


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