Sexual Health at Menopause

Dr. James Simon discusses the importance of sexual health at menopause and encourages clinicians to open up the conversation with patients. He reviews treatment options and resources. (

Sex ED For Grownups – Dr. Rachel Rubin

Urologist and Sexual Medicine Specialist (A.K.A. “Washington DC’s premier Clitorologist”), Dr. Rubin schools us on how to want and enjoy sex in midlife and beyond.

Sex, Menopause, & Evolution – Dr. James Simon

Recipient of more than 400 research grants and scholarships in women’s health, Dr. Simon shares insights on the role that hormonal changes in menopause may have played in our evolution.

How To Optimize Sexual Health As A Woman

Let’s talk about sex. In this video, Dr. Simon goes over the best ways to approach women’s sexual health questions and issues. Learn about the multiple areas impacting your sexual health and how best to… Read More »

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