Are you experiencing moderate-to-severe pain during your menstrual period and at other times caused by endometriosis?
- If you are 18-49 years of age, and have a surgical diagnosis of your endometriosis, you may be eligible for an FDA-registered clinical trial evaluating whether the study medication can reduce moderate-to-severe endometriosis pain.
- Participants must not currently be pregnant, breastfeeding, or actively trying to conceive.
- All treatments are non-surgical and performed in-office at IntimMedicine Specialists in Washington, DC.
- Participants who complete the screening and/or participate in the trial will receive payment for their time and travel.
For more information and eligibility requirements, please complete the form. Someone from our Research Team will follow-up with you shortly. Filling out this form does not commit you to the study or obligate you in any way.