Nuts for Sex

hazelnuts and walnuts

I’m frequently asked whether there’s anything to change in one’s diet to improve sexual function. While there’s absolutely nothing dietary that can treat a severe erectile dysfunction (ED) or significant arousal disorder in women, there… Read More »

The Menopause Whisperer

closeup of a doctor with a stethoscope in his pocket and a sexual health pin on his lapel

We are pleased to share a recent article in Washingtonian Magazine featuring an interview with our own Dr. James Simon, “The Menopause Whisperer.” In the article, Dr. Simon discusses female sexual dysfunction, the state of… Read More »

HRT Bounceback

Eleven years after frightening findings in the Women’s Health Initiative caused so many women to abandon hormone therapy, medical practitioners continue to find benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for a wide variety of patients…. Read More »

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